Located in Divjakë, (forty-three kilometers) from Rock of Kavaje, Green Trails Apartment - Fully...
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Map of hotels in Divjakë and surroundings: Find the best places to stay
Discover Divjakë: Tourist attractions, restaurants, public transport, and more
Top attractions:
Rreth-greth, 2508-Gosë, Albania 5.63 km
Bird watching tower, 9022 Bashkia Divjakë, Albania 6.79 km
SH57, 9022-Bashkia Divjakë, Albania 739 m
Bird watching tower, Southern Albania, Albania 6.74 km
Divjaka beach, AL 5.15 km
Restaurants and cafes:
Aliaj, SH57901 m
Peshk, SH412.08 km
Restorant Enes, Rreth-greth10.49 km
Sunshine, Rreth-greth11.51 km
Ura, SH57739 m
Public transport:
Dushk, SH411.96 km
SH4;SH7, 2508-Gosë, Albania 12.28 km
Frequently Asked Questions about Hotels, Apartments, and Guesthouses in Divjakë
In Divjakë, you can find various accommodations like hotels, apartments, and guesthouses. There are a total of 28 options.
Divjakë has plenty of attractions for families. Many hotels and apartments offer amenities like family rooms, baby cots, and extra beds.
Divjakë offers various public transport options like buses, trams, and metro. The system is well-developed, making it easy to get around the city. It's a good idea to use mobile apps or websites to plan your trips and check schedules.
Cancellation and date change policies in Divjakë vary by accommodation. Be sure to review the reservation terms before making your final decision.