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Map of hotels in Ishull-Shëngjin and surroundings: Find the best places to stay
Discover Ishull-Shëngjin: Tourist attractions, restaurants, public transport, and more
Top attractions:
Ancient Walls, Rruga Spitalit3.78 km
Rrënoja, Rruga Sake4.43 km
The Grave of Skanderbeg, Rruga Frang Bardhi3.42 km
Ancient Walls, Road to Castle3.62 km
At Gjergj Fishta, Rruga Mrizi i Zanave15.31 km
Restaurants and cafes:
Bar Restaurant ALEKSI, Rruga Katundi i Vjeter11.31 km
Restaurant Gesi, SH3513.6 km
Arome Deti, SH323.07 km
Laguna Blu "Te Nazi", Rruga Lezhe-Ishull-Vain3.9 km
Hoteli i Gjuetisë, Rruga Lezhe-Ishull-Vain1.46 km
Public transport:
Rruga e Stacionit, 4501-Lezhë Municipality, Albania 2.98 km
Milot, A112.16 km
SH30, 4603-Bulshizë, Albania 14.36 km
Laç Udhetareve, SH3515.49 km
Baqël, Rruga Mrizi i Zanave15.71 km
Points of interest nearby:
Pallati i Kulturës "Dedë Ndue Lazri", Ura e Drinit3.3 km
Frequently Asked Questions about Hotels, Apartments, and Guesthouses in Ishull-Shëngjin
In Ishull-Shëngjin, you can choose from hotels, apartments, guesthouses, hostels, and B&Bs. Options range from luxury hotels to budget-friendly choices to suit your needs.
Cancellation and date change policies in Ishull-Shëngjin vary by accommodation. Be sure to review the reservation terms before making your final decision.
Many hotels and apartments in Ishull-Shëngjin welcome pets. Check the pet policy before booking to ensure it meets your needs.
Many hotels, tourist attractions, and restaurants in Ishull-Shëngjin offer discounts for tourists. Check for available tourist cards or discount programs that can reduce costs for accommodation, transport, and museum tickets.
5 best cheap hotels in the city of Ishull-Shëngjin